
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo算法

MCMC(Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo)算法用于生成给定分布的样本。在很多时候,我们想计算一个复杂分布的函数期望值,但用解析的,求解积分的方法,是极其困难的,对于有些分布甚至是不可能的。所以我们使用一些采样方法,例如Gibbs sampling,Metropolis-Hasting算法。本文介绍Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo算法。


给定一个分布\(\pi(x)\),计算期望:\(\mathbb E_\pi[f]=\int f(q)\pi(q)dq\),而直接计算积分是不可行的。因此我们计算期望的一个近似:\(\mathbb E_\pi[f] \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_i f(x_i)\),使得\(P(x_i) = \pi(x_i)\)。


从上面的式子可以看出,\(f(q)\)对应的\(\pi(q)dq\)越大,它对最终结果的贡献也越大。所以,如果我们可以从高\(\pi(q)dq\)区域采样,效率会更高。这个区域也被称为typical set

As q moves farer to mode, the dq rises rapidly, probability decreases.
As q moves farer to mode, the dq rises rapidly, probability decreases.


但是,当\(q\)是高维数据,\(dq\)的体积(volume)变得相对越来越小,我们采样也不容易落到这个typical set里。在绝大多数的时候,我们随机采样的\(q\)落到\(\pi(q)dq\)非常小的地方,这让我们计算期望十分低效。



我们可以利用Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo模型来采样。假设我们有一个转移矩阵\(\mathbb T(q'|q)\),它定义了从\(q\)转移到\(q'\)的概率密度。所有的MCMC转移必须满足**细致平衡(detailed balanced)**条件,即从\(q\)转移到\(q'\)必须是可逆的:$\pi(q)\mathbb T(q'|q) = \pi(q')\mathbb T(q|q')$。然而直接找到一个合适的\(\mathbb T\)十分困难,所以我们利用一个acceptance coefficient \(a(q'|q)=\min{1, \frac{\pi(q')\mathbb Q(q|q')}{\pi(q)\mathbb Q(q'|q)}}\),\(\mathbb T=a\mathbb Q\),这样细致平衡条件就达到了:

$$ \pi(q)\mathbb Q(q'|q) a(q'|q) = \min{\pi(q)\mathbb Q(q'|q), \pi(q')\mathbb Q(q|q')}=\pi(q')\mathbb Q(q|q') a(q|q') $$

如果 \(\mathbb Q(q'|q) = \mathcal N(q'|q,\mathbf \Sigma)\),这个算法被称为 Random-Walk Metropolis。实践中如果我们可以采样 \(x\sim \mathcal N(0,1)\)并用 \(q' = \mathbf \Sigma ^{0.5} x + q\) 来转化。因为 \(\mathbb Q(q'|q)=\mathbb Q(q|q')\),acceptance coefficient 变成了 \(a(q'|q)=\min{1, \frac{\pi(q')}{\pi(q)}}\)。代码如下

qprime = q + np.sqrt(sigma)*np.random.normal(size=q.shape)
if np.random.uniform() < min(1, dist.pdf(qprime)/dist.pdf(q)):
	q = qprime

上面的方法还是没有解决高维稀疏的问题。高维\(q\) 会导致acceptance coefficient太低(\(\pi(q')\) is too small)以至于上面的proposal几乎不会被接受。为了解决这个问题,可以考虑使用概率的梯度来更加靠近高\(\pi\)的区域,即typical set。

MALA (Metropolis-adjusted Langevin Algorithm)

MALA 用到了概率方程的梯度和一个随机噪音来更快地逼近typical set。考虑over-damped Langevin Itō diffusion:

$$ \frac{\partial X}{\partial t} = \nabla \log \pi(X) + \sqrt{2} \frac{\partial W}{\partial t} $$

\(W\)是一个标准布朗运动。为了近似Langevin diffusion采样路径,我们可以使用Euler-Maruyama方法,固定时间步\(\tau\),我们可以更新\(X\):

$$ X_{k+1}:= X_k + \tau \nabla \log\pi(X_k) +\sqrt{2\tau} \xi_k $$

\(\xi_k\sim \mathcal N(0,I)\)。 这个方法可以被用做proposal方法,acceptance coefficient为:

$$ a = \min {1, \frac{\pi(X_{k+1})q(X_k|X_{k+1})}{\pi(X_{k})q(X_{k+1}|X_k)}} $$

\(q(x'|x)\propto \exp(-\frac{1}{4\tau}||x'-x - \tau\nabla \log\pi(x)||^2_2)\), \(x'|x \sim \mathcal N(x+\tau\nabla\log\pi(x),2\tau)\), 可以从更新等式推导得到.

Hamiltonian MC

更进一步的,我们可以将 Hamiltonian Dynamic 用到 MC 算法上。 Hamiltonian等式:

$$ \frac {\partial q}{\partial t} = \frac {\partial H}{\partial p}\
\frac {\partial p}{\partial t} = -\frac {\partial H}{\partial q}\

\(H=-\log\pi(q,p)=-\log\pi(p|q)-\log\pi(q) =: K(p,q)+V(q)\)被称为能量,\(p\) 是一个辅助动量,\(K,V\)分别是动能和势能。Hamiltonian equation给出一个向量场,类似于地球的引力场。运动一段时间后,\(q\)到达\(q'\),其轨迹是\(\phi_t(q,p)\)。在这个轨迹上,总能量不变,类似卫星绕地飞行。


现在我们需要设计\(p\) 和 \(\pi(p|q)\)。一个最简单的方法是令 \(p|q\sim\mathcal N(0,1)\)。另外,有两个主流的设计\(p\)的方法:Euclidean-Gaussian Kinetic Energies, \(p|q\sim\mathcal N(0,M)\) and \(M\) is defined as Euclidean metric, or mass in physic, thus \(K(p,q) = 0.5p^TMp+\log(|M|) + const.\);Riemannian-Gaussian Kinetic Energies, where \(p|q\sim\mathcal N(0,\Sigma(q))\), thus \(K(p,q) = 0.5p^T\Sigma^{-1}(q)p+\log(|\Sigma(q)|) + const.\)。此外还有non-Gaussian kinetic energies,它们的长尾特性可能可以提高模型效果,但是实践上效果往往很差。

另一个重要的变量是\(t\)。Basically for distribution family of target densities \(\pi_\beta(q)\propto\exp(-|q|^\beta)\), the optimal time is \(T_{optimal}(q,p)\propto (H(q,p))^\frac{2-\beta}{\beta}\), but it should be tuned dynamically in practice.

我们可以先用\(p\sim\pi(p|q)\)采样,然后对Hamilton’s equations积分一段时间来得到轨迹\((q,p)\rightarrow\phi_t(q,p)\),然后投影消除掉\(p\)得到\(q'\)。但是直接对微分方程积分很困难,实践上,我们可以用symplectic integrator来近似,比如 leapfrog algorithm:

  1. Initialize \(q_0, p_0\).
  2. for \(0\le n< T/\epsilon\):
    1. \(p_{n+\frac{1}{2}} = p_n + \frac{\epsilon}{2}\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}\)
    2. \(q_{n+q} = q_n + \epsilon\frac{\partial q}{\partial t}\)
    3. \(p_{n+1} = p_n + \frac{\epsilon}{2}\frac{\partial p_{n+\frac{1}{2}}}{\partial t}\)

注意\(\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}\) and \(\frac{\partial q}{\partial t}\) 需要替换为 Hamiltonian equations。我们还可以对Integrator调参来得到更好的结果。

积分后,我们得到一个新的\(q\) 作为proposal,acceptance coefficient为:

$$ a(q',p'|q,p) = \min{1,\frac{\pi(q',p')\mathbb Q(q,p|q',p')}{\pi(q,p)\mathbb Q(q',p'|q,p)}} $$

\(\mathbb Q(q,p|q_0,p_0)=\delta(q-q_L)\delta(p-p_L)\), \(q_L\) and \(p_L\) are the end point of the trajectory \((q_0,p_0)\rightarrow(q_L,p_L)\). 给定初始状态\((q_0,p_0)\),这个变换总是可以沿着Hamiltonian equations积分给出轨迹的终点。In the notation above we write \((p',q')\) instead of \((p_L,q_L)\) and \((p,q)\) instead of \((p_0,q_0)\), so it’s obvious that \(\mathbb Q(q',p'|q,p) = \delta(q'-q')\delta(p'-p') = 1\). However, if we inverse it, starting with \((q_L,p_L)\), it won’t go back to \((q_0,p_0)\) (definition of momentum), but go to \((q_{2L},p_{2L})\). So \(\mathbb Q(q,p|q',p') = \delta(q-q_{2L})\delta(p-p_{2L}) = 0\) and \(a = 0\), i.e. always reject the proposal. To fix this, we can flip the sign of momentum after we finish integrating: \((q_0,p_0)\rightarrow(q_L,-p_L)\), then inverse: \((q_L,-p_L)\rightarrow(q_0,-(-p_0))\). We also change the definition of \(\mathbb Q\):

$$ \mathbb Q(q,p|q_0,p_0)=\delta(q-q_L)\delta(p+p_L) $$

then we have (note the changes of notation)

$$ \mathbb Q(q',-p'|q,p) = \delta(q'-q')\delta(-p'+p') = 1 \ \mathbb Q(q,p|q',-p') = \delta(q-q)\delta(p+(-p)) = 1 $$

So we can simplify the acceptance coefficient:

$$ a(q',-p'|q,p) = \min{1,\frac{\pi(q',-p')\mathbb Q(q,p|q',-p')}{\pi(q,p)\mathbb Q(q',-p'|q,p)}} = \min{1,\frac{\pi(q',-p')}{\pi(q,p)}} $$

Consider \(\pi(q,p) = \exp(-H(q,p))\),

$$ a(q',-p'|q,p)=\min{1, \exp(-H(q',-p')+H(q,p)} $$

To sum up, first we design a momentum distribution (or kinetic energy), then we sample a momentum, integrate the Hamiltonian equation to get a proposal, compute the acceptance ratio, sample a uniform value and decide if keep the proposal or not. Repeating these steps we will get a sample set efficiently (acceptance ratio is high).

No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS)

NUTS helps to control the integration time \(T\). Intuitively, if we follow the momentum too long, it will run too far away, like an U-Turn, and may stop at a point not far from the start point (the field is a closed loop).


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